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Welcome to IDbGLAM PRO – Your Gateway to the Global Community

Join the World’s Premier Platform for GLAM Professionals!

Whether you’re an individual professional, a GLAM organization, a vendor, or a government agency, IDbGLAM PRO connects you with a global network of industry leaders, resources, and services. IDbGLAM PRO is the ultimate platform for networking, professional development, and exclusive access to tools and services that help you thrive in the GLAM sector.

Explore Our Tailored Membership Options Below!

Individual Memberships
For GLAM Professionals
Are you a curator, archivist, librarian, or museum professional looking to expand your network and develop your career? IDbGLAM PRO membership provides access to tools, resources, and a community of like-minded professionals in the GLAM sector.


  • Join professional forums to network with fellow professionals worldwide.
  • Access e-learning modules, career development resources, and vendor connections.
  • Get tailored content and resources that support your role in the community.

Discover Individual Membership Options

Vendor Memberships
For Vendors Serving the GLAM Sector
Are you a vendor looking to connect with galleries, libraries, archives, and museums? PRO helps you showcase your products and services directly to GLAM professionals who need them.


  • Feature your company in the exclusive vendor directory, searchable by GLAM professionals.
  • Networking and partnership opportunities with decision-makers in the GLAM industry.
  • Advertising options to increase visibility across all IDbGLAM PRO subdirectories.

Learn More About Vendor Membership

Government Agency Memberships
For Government Institutions Supporting GLAMs
If you’re part of a government agency working with GLAM institutions, IDbGLAM PRO offers specialized memberships tailored to your needs. Gain access to a network of GLAM professionals and organizations while accessing unique tools and services.


  • Connection to institutions seeking partnerships or collaborations with government agencies.
  • Access to reports, research, and resources aimed at policy-making and institutional support.
  • Exclusive opportunities for government initiatives related to cultural heritage and preservation.

Explore Government Agency Memberships

Organization Memberships
For GLAM Institutions and Teams

Designed for institutions large and small, PRO organizational memberships support collaborative networking, education, and resource-sharing across your entire team. Empower your organization with the tools to excel in the evolving GLAM landscape.


  • Collaborative tools for team networking and professional development.
  • Access to comprehensive vendor directories and industry service providers.
  • Custom profiles for each team member and department to showcase your institution’s work.

Explore Organization Membership Packages

For-Profit and Corporate Memberships
Offering Services to the GLAM Community
PRO offers companies the chance to showcase their products and services. Whether you’re a software provider, a consultancy, or a vendor of exhibition materials, PRO helps you reach the right audience.


  • Access to a specialized directory to highlight your services to the GLAM community.
  • Networking and advertising opportunities across IDbGLAM PRO subdirectories.
  • Full access to industry reports, resources, and GLAM professional networks.

Find Out More About Corporate Memberships

Ready to Join IDbGLAM PRO?

Explore the Benefits of Each Membership Tier and Join the Global GLAM Network Today!

Get Started with IDbGLAM PRO → [Link to General Signup Page]